University of Botswana History Department

Neil Parsons

(Q.N. Parsons)
B.A. (London), Diploma in African Studies & Ph.D. (Edinburgh)

(Retired from the University of Botswana)

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Email: nparsons@mopipi... [Click here for full email address], tel. ext. 5050.

I was born and educated up to secondary level in England, and first came to Botswana as a teenage volunteer (as a teacher's aid at Moeng College), before returning to England. I studied for my first degree (BA London External) at North-Western Polytechnic, now the University of North London. I then went on to African Studies and a doctorate in History at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, where I was supervised by George Shepperson.

My first academic job was teaching history at the University of Zambia, followed by the University of Swaziland, then part of the joint University of Botswana (,Lesotho) and Swaziland. After that I became a researcher and freelance author in History and Education for some years, in England and Botswana and for short periods in the U.S. After a short stay at the University of Cape Town, I came here to the University of Botswana History Department in 1996.

My published work includes The Roots of Rural Poverty in Central and Southern Africa with Robin Palmer (Heinemann, 1977), A New History of Southern Africa (Macmillan, 1982 & 1993), and Seretse Khama, 1921-1980 with Thomas Tlou and Willie Henderson (Botswana Society, 1995). My latest book is King Khama, Emperor Joe, and the Great White Queen (Chicago, 1998), a detailed reconstruction of the 1895 mission to Britain by Khama, Sebele and Bathoen. Press on the title above to see a long extract on-line.

For details of my books see any on-line bookstore, such as Amazon Books; in America (www.amazon.com) or in Britain (www.amazon.co.uk)

Alternatively, type in "Neil Parsons" onAltaVista, Infoseek, Yahoo! or Dogpile: you'll get a few hundred 'hits' including a Russian literature specialist, a wave-theory physicist, a golfer, a racing car driver, at least one clergyman, and an obituary or two, plus me. All of us called Neil Parsons.

You will find pieces of my writing on this web-site:

African History Pages: Botswana History Folder: Colonial Administration Pages: Electronic Texts: UB Folder: Other materials:

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Copyright © 1999 Neil Parsons
Last updated 14 August 2001