History and Archaeology
NB: This summary of the History Department's research and publications profile was compiled in 1995-96, and is now of course rather out of date. Note also that the membership of the Department has changed somewhat since this time; brief notes have been added for colleagues who are no longer with the Department.
Lecturer in History
BA, PGDE (UB), MA (SOAS London)
Research interests: Political history of Botswana, and contemporary chieftainship in Botswana; nationalism and Islam in North Africa; labour movements in Algeria and Tunisia.
Current projects: Education of Kgosi Mokgosi III of Bamalete (Ramotswa).
Publications 1995-96
Newspaper articles: 'Moithali's death: new twist in Bakwena bogosi?', Mmegi/ The Reporter (Gaborone), vol.13, no.11 (22-28 March 1996) & no.12 (29 March-4 April 1996)
with Jeff Ramsay, 'Bakwena bogosi - will the circle be broken?' Mmegi/ The Reporter, vol. 13, no.25 (28 June 1996).
Lecturer in History
MA (Canterbury, N.Z.), PhD (Cambridge)
Research interests: Modern British politics; religious history; colonial Botswana; New Zealand; the British empire and colonial government.
Current projects: British political and religious history research at Lambeth Palace, etc.; Tshekedi Khama and the Tonota crisis (with M. Bolaane): John Mackenzie's debate with Sekgoma I of Bangwato'.
Publications 1995-96
Periodical articles: 'Banister v. Thompson and afterwards', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, in press.
Lecturer in History
DSE, BEd (UB), MA (SOAS, London)
Research interests: Pastoralism and development in Eastern Africa; colonial policies and land use in East Africa; gender studies and education.
Consultancy: Reader for article in submission to Botswana Notes and Records.
Current projects: History and settlement of the River Basarwa in eastern Ngamiland; colonial adminstrative history (with B. Bennett).
Publications 1995-96
Booklets: with P.T. Mgadla Batswana New York: Roselyn Publication Group, 1996, in press.
Seminar & conference papers: 'Women in traditional leadership positions: the careers of Mme Ntebogang Ratshosa of Bangwaketse and Mme Pulane Moremi of Batawana in colonial Botswana' 10th Biennial Conference of the South African Historical Society, Grahamstown, 1995.
Senior Lecturer in History
BA Hons (Ghana), PhD (SOAS, London)
Research interests: Ethiopia in the 18th & 19th centuries; labour migration in West Africa; medical history in Lesotho; historical methodology.
Current projects: Asians in Botswana, 1885-1990s.
Publications 1995-96
Booklets: compiler, Essays on the History of Botswana: a Bibliography of History and Archaeology Essays Presented in Partial Fulfilment of the BA Degrees of the University of Botswana, 1985-1996 Gaborone: University of Botswana, 1996. mimeo.
Periodical articles: 'Antecedents of Asante culture', Research Review (University of Ghana, Legon), vol.11, no.2 (1995).
Seminar & conference papers: with P.T. Mgadla, 'A preliminary investigation into the gaps in Basarwa history' Second Basarwa Studies Research Workshop, National Institute for Research, Gaborone, 1995.
Lecturer in Archaeology
[now Director of the British Institute for Prehistory and Archaeology at Nairobi]
BA, PhD (Cambridge)
Research interests: Ethnoarchaeology; African archaeology; European prehistory; Basarwa history and culture; socio-politics of the past.
Current projects: Ethnoarchaeological research in Botswana-past, present and future directions; historical archaeology in Botswana.
Publications 1995-96
Book chapters: 'Rethinking ethnoarchaeology', pp.727-32 in Gilbert Pwiti & Roger Soper (eds,) Aspects of African Archaeology Harare: University of Zimbabwe Press, 1996.
Periodical articles: 'The use and abuse of ethnography in the study of the southern African Iron Age' Azania, vols.29-30 (1994-95), pp.51-64.
'Archaeological survey and excavation in south-east Botswana, 1992' Nyame Akuma vol.45 (1996), pp.11-23.
with L. Borjeson, 'Preliminary archaeological investigations at Phalatswe (Old Palapye), Central District, Botswana: the 1995 season' Nyame Akuma, vol.45 )1996), pp.2-10.
'Breaking the mould? Exhibiting Khoisan in southern African museums' Anthropology Today, vol.12, no.5 (1996), pp.3-10.
Seminar & conference papers: 'Museums and national identity in a plural society-issues facing Botswana' Commonwealth Association of Museums Biennial Conference, Gaborone, Sept. 1995.
Lecturer in History
BA, PGDIntLaw (Zambia), MA, PhD (UCLA)
[now at the University of California at Los Angeles]
Research interests: Comparative history of Latin America and Africa; imperialism; underdevelopment and nationalism, ethnicity and ethnic conflicts; labour and peasant history.
Current projects: Soviet ethnography and the question of African ethnicity; corporrate power in African states-the case of Zambia; culture and development in Southern Africa-a reappraisal.
Publications 1995-96
Periodical articles: 'Legacy of late nineteenth century capitalism: the case of W.R. Grace and C.J. Rhodes' Ufahamu (Los Angeles), vol.xxiii, no.2 (1995) pp.4-29.
'From slavery to revolution: a synopsis history of the struggle for Cuba and Mozambque', Ufahamu, vol.xxiii, no.3 (1996), pp.1-26.
Senior Lecturer in History
ATC (Francistown), BA+CCE (UB), MA, PhD (Boston)
Research interests: Political, educational and mission history in Southern Africa with special reference to Botswana.
Consultancy: Reader for article in submission to Botswana Notes and Records.
Current projects: A history of education in Botswana; women missionares and the development of education; biographies of missionaries and their contributions in the Bechuanaland Protectorate.
Publications 1995-96
Books & monographs: with Jeff Ramsay & Barry Morton, Building a Nation: History of Botswana to 1910 Gaborone: Longman Botswana, 1995.
Booklets: with M. Bolaane Batswana New York: Roselyn Publication Group, 1996, in press.
Book chapters: Introduction to Elizabeth Main Man of Mafeking: the Bechuanaland Years of Hamilton Goold-Adams Gaborone: Botswana Society, 1995.
with A.K. Segobye, 'The Batswana before contact with Europeans' in Wayne Edge & M. Lekorwe, Politics in Botswana Pretoria: Van Schaik, in press.
'The chief's traditional role in pre-colonial Tswana society' in Wayne Edge & M. Lekorwe, Politics in Botswana Pretoria: Van Schaik, in press.
Periodical articles: 'Government and African control of education in Bechuanaland Protectorate', Educational Studies, vol.21 (1995).
Seminar & conference papers: with R.H.K. Darkwah, 'A preliminary investigation into the gaps in Basarwa history' 2nd Basarwa Research Workshop, National Institute for Research, Gaborone, 1995.
Senior Lecturer in History & Dean of Humanities
[now Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, University of Botswana]BA+CDE (UBS), MA (Johns Hopkins), PhD (SOAS, London)
Research interests: Mining and labour issues in Southern Africa, with special reference to Namibia.
Lecturer in History (on staff development leave)
BA, PGDE (UB), MA (Essex)
Research interests: Comparative agrarian relations in Southern Africa and Latin America with special emphasis on Botswana; agricultural labour, internal trade in cattle and grain; socio-economic differentiation of the peasantry.
Publications 1995-96
Seminar & conference papers: 'Arable farming and peasant differentiation: a case study from Bechuanaland 1948-1965' University of Botswana, Department of History seminar, 28 Sept. 1996.
Professor of History & Head of Department
BA Hons, UED (Rhodes), MA (Unisa), PhD (Dalhousie)
Research interests: Pre-colonial Tswana communities with special focus on the post-Mfecane/ Difaqane period.
Consultancies: UNESCO General History of Africa, editorial review of vol.5.
Public lectures & exhibitions: Orientation talks to Swedish, Norwegian and U.S. volunteers
Current projects: Tengo Jabavu and Imvo; history of Bangwaketse; the career of Moletsane of Bataung; historical study of the Kgotla.
Associate Professor in History
BA (London), Dip.Afr.Stud, PhD (Edinburgh)
Research interests: 19th & 20th century history and biography of Botswana; educational publishing; prehistory of the Southern African interior; late Victorian Britain; African entertainers in the Diaspora.
External Examiner: BA History, University of Cape Town 1996.
Editorial responsibilities: Series editor, 'How We Lived' series (Braamfontein, Johannesburg: Macmillan Boleswa).
Lectures & exhibitions: with Alec Campbell, Botswana Society: 'The Life of the Batswana before 1800', National Museum & Art Gallery, 26 Sept. 1995.
with Councillor P. B. Bagwasi, Mayor of Gaborone, 'The House of Khama' photographic exhibition at National Museum & Art Gallery, Gaborone, 1-16 July 1996.
Current projects: Book on Khama, Sebele, and Bathoen, 1895 ('Victorian Britain through African Eyes') for University of Chicago Press; biography of 'Bushman' dancer Franz Taaibosch (d.1940).
Publications 1995-96
Books & monographs: with Thomas Tlou & Willie Henderson, Seretse Khama, 1921-1980 Braamfontein, Johannesburg: Macmillan South Africa, Oct. 1995.
Booklets: with Lisa Kinnear, Hunters, Herders and Farmers Manzini: Macmillan Boleswa & Braamfontein, Johannesburg: Macmillan South Africa ('How We Lived' Series), April 1996.
Book chapters: 'The time of troubles: [introduction to] Difaqane in the interior', pp.301-306 & 'Prelude to Difaqane in the interior of South Africa, c.1600-c.1822' pp.323-349 in Carolyn Hamilton (ed.) The Mfecane Aftermath: towards a New Paradigm in South African History Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press & Pietermaritzburg: University of Natal Press; London: James Currey; & Berkeley: University of California Press, Dec. 1995.
Periodical articles: 'On the Jameson Road', Southern African Review of Books (Cape Town), vol.8, no.1 (issue 41) Jan.-Feb. 1996, pp.6-7 (partially reproduced in Johannesburg Sunday Independent, 31 Dec. 1995)
'Threat or promise? Integrated social studies-for and against' Motlhasedi Education and Development Forum (Mmabatho), vol.15, no.1 (April-May 1996), pp.45-48.
'Imperial history in the Ukay': 'South Africa 1895-1921: Test of Empire' Conference at Oxford, March 1996', South African Historical Journal (Pretoria), no.34 (May 1996), pp. 211-22.
Lecturer in Museum Studies
BA (UB), PGDMus (CAM, Canada), MA (Leicester)
[now Director of the National Museum of Botswana]
Research interests: Museum education policies and development in Botswana.
Lecturer in Archaeology
BA Hons (Birmingham), PhD (Cambridge)
Research interests: Development of social complexity; faunal analysis and livestock mangement patterns; long-term developments in society in the Great Lakes region of Eastern Africa.
Current projects: Investigation of past human ecology in Botswana (primary data base); ancient settlement patters of the Okavango delta (Toteng excavations, July 1996); archaeology of Sowa Pan (survey, June 1996); archaeological investigations at Ntsweng (with P.J. Lane, May 1996).
Publications 1995-96
Periodical articles: 'Social organisation and settlement in the Interlecustrine region' Azania, vols.29-30 (1994-95), pp.303-313.
'Cattle herds and the redistribution of cattle resources', World Archaeology, vol.28, no.1 (1996), pp.43-57.
with D.L. Schoenbrun, 'The emergence of social formations and inequalities in the Great Lakes region' Archaeological Review from Cambridge, vol.13, no.1, pp.51-60.
Seminar & conference papers: 'Cattle, power and complex societies: what animal bones from archaeological sites can tell.' University of Botswana, Department of History seminar, 2 Nov. 1995.
Lecturer in Archaeology
BSc, MA, PhD (Southern Methodist)
Research interests: Late Stone Age of Southern Africa, with special focus on herder and hunter interactions in the last two thousand years.
Current projects: Herders and hunters-interactions between Late Stone Age and Iron Age groups in southeastern Botswana during the last 2000 years.
Publications 1995-96
Book chapters: 'Barlumi di archeologia nel deserto nubiano', pp.147-76 in A. Castiglioni & J. Vercoutter (eds.) L'Eldorado dei Faraoni Novara, Italy: DeAgostini, 1995.
Periodical articles: 'Nubian desert archaeology: a preliminary view' Archélogie du Nil Moyen, vol.7 (1996), pp.203-35.
Seminar & conference papers: 'Spurious foragers or genuine archaeology?' University of Botswana, Department of History seminar, 21 Sept. 1995.
'Basarwa archaeology: the state of the art', Second Basarwa Studies Research Workshop, National Institute for Research, Gaborone, 1995.
'The lugs of northern Botswana', Southern African Association of Archaeologists meeting, Bloemfontein, 1996.
Lecturer in Archaeology
BA+PGDE (UB), MPhil, PhD (Cambridge)
Research interests: Prehistoric farming societies in southern Africa; recent (historic) settlement systems in Botswana; archaeology and public education; culture studies and culture in development; gender studies with reference to archaeology, education and culture.
Current projects: Settlement history of the Mokgware hills area; lanscape history of the Bengwato settlements (SAREC/SIDA-funded); human responses to environmental change in the Okavango-Makgadikgadi area (SAREC/SIDA-funded); music and cultural arts/ studies in the National Education Program (ADF-funded).
Senior Lecturer in History
BA+CCE (UBS), MA, PhD (Dalhousie)
Research interests: Botswana's diplomacy, in particular Botswana-EU relations; strategic structure; Front-line states versus South Africa.
Current projects: 'New dimensions in Botswana's foreign policy' in Wayne Edge & M. Lekorwe, Politics in Botswana Pretoria: Van Schaik, in press.
Publications 1995-96
Periodical articles: 'The nature, structure and formations of Chieftainship in Botswana-possibilities for democratization', Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, 1996 in press.
Lecturer in History (on staff development leave)
BA (UB), MSc (LSE, London)Research interests: State, democracy and development; Botswana's political economy in the 20th century; agrarian policy formulation and implementation; the New Political Economy and its explanatory powers for development problems in LDC's.
Lecturer in Archaeology (on staff development leave)
BA (UB), MA (York, England)
Research interests: Iron Age communities of Botswana and Southern Africa; stone architecture, production and trade of ceramics in Southern Africa; archaeometry; archaeological heritage management in Botswana and Southern Africa.
Senior Lecturer in History
[now attached to the Political Science Department, University of Botswana]
MA, PhD (Catholic U. of Lublin), Docent (UMCS)
Research interests: Economic and social history of East Prussia; English economic history; economic history of East Africa and Zimbabwe; history of historiography.
Current projects: Book on Southern Africa at the end of the 19th century; book chapter on the international context of the creation of the Bechuanaland Protectorate.
Publications 1995-96
Books: History of England [in Polish] Poland: Ossolineum, 3rd edn.1995. 429pp+71 illus+8 maps.
Periodical aticles: 'Controversy around Cecil Rhodes' Mowia Wieki [Polish historical journal], vol.8 (1995).
Copyright © 1999 University of Botswana History Department
Last updated 19 August 1999