University of Botswana History Department
Electronic texts

David Livingstone;
Missionary Travels

Appendices etc.

Contents page

Introduction etc. | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23 | Chapter 24 | Chapter 25 | Chapter 26 | Chapter 27 | Chapter 28 | Chapter 29 | Chapter 30 | Chapter 31 | Chapter 32 |

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Appendix.  -- Notes to etext.


The names Loanda and Zambesi are given in most modern texts
as Luanda and Zambezi.

In three cases, the spelling used in the original was distracting enough
that it has been changed:  musquito > mosquito, hachshish > hashish,
and nomade > nomad.

In three other cases, two variant spellings of a word were used in the text.
These were made uniform in accordance with the modern standard.
They were:  water-buck > waterbuck, Mosambique > Mozambique,
and imbody > embody.

Other notes on terms:  Livingstone often refers to ground-nuts --
this is the British term for a peanut.  Mutokwane (`Cannabis sativa')
must be some variety of marijuana.


As the symbols for the British Pound (a crossed L), Degrees (small circle,
in the upper half of the line of text), and fractions cannot be represented
in ASCII, the following standards have been used:

Pounds:  written out, and capitalized, AFTER the number of pounds,
  rather than before it.  Hence "L20" becomes 20 Pounds.
  (where L represents the Pound symbol.)

Degrees, Minutes, Seconds:  "Degrees", when used alone,
  is either spelled out or abbreviated "Deg." -- but is always capitalized
  where it replaces the symbol.  When a location is given
  with a combination of degrees and minutes, or degrees, minutes, and seconds,
  [d] is used to denote the symbol for degrees, ['] represents minutes,
  and ["] represents seconds -- these latter two are the common symbols,
  or at least as similar as ASCII can represent.  For an example,
  lat. 9d 37' 30" S. would be latitude 9 degrees 37 minutes 30 seconds south.
  All temperatures given are in Fahrenheit.

Fractions:  Where whole numbers and fractions are combined,
  the whole number is separated from the fraction with a dash.
  For example, in Chapter 21:  16 ounces and 2-19/20 drams
  would translate as 16 ounces and two-and-nineteen-twentieths drams.
  Incidentally, Livingstone uses British measurements, which sometimes differ
  from the American.

  Corrected Errors:

Errors in the original text were corrected when the context presented
compelling evidence that there was in fact an error.  When possible,
proper names were checked against the index for extra surety.

Chapter 2, "All around Scroti the country is perfectly flat"
changed to "All around Serotli".

Chapter 2, "one species of plants" changed to "one species of plant".

Chapter 3, "a fire specimen of arboreal beauty" changed to "a fine specimen".

Chapter 12, "till a stranger, happening to come to visit Santaru"
changed to "to visit Santuru".

Chapter 14, "the orders of Sekeletu as as to our companions"
changed to "the orders of Sekeletu as to our companions".

Chapter 14, "while Mashuana plants the poles" changed to "while Mashauana".

Chapter 15, "In other cases I have known them turn back" changed to
"In other cases I have known them to turn back".

Chapter 20, p. 438, "to make a canal from Calumbo to Loando"
changed to "from Calumbo to Loanda".
(Loando, while correct, is otherwise only given in the full Portuguese name.)

Chapter 26, "we saw the Batoko" changed to "we saw the Batoka".

Chapter 28, "with whom Lekwebu had lived" changed to "with whom Sekwebu".

  Accented Characters in Words:

To maintain an easily searchable text, accented or special characters
have been discarded.  The following is a pretty complete list
of the words in the text which were originally accented.
They appear more or less in the order in which they first appeared
with the accent -- often the accents were dropped in the original.
In each case, the accent follows the appropriate letter,
the "ae" and "oe" combinations are represented as (ae) and (oe),
[\], [/], [~], [^] and [-] represent the accent that looks like them
which would appear above the preceding letter.  [=] represents an accent
that looks like the bottom half of a circle, also appearing
above the letter, ["] is an umlaut, and [,] represents a cedilla.

Athen(ae)um > Athenaeum
Bakwa/in > Bakwain
Mabo/tsa > Mabotsa
Bechua/na > Bechuana
Seche/le > Sechele
Chonua/ne > Chonuane
Bakalaha/ri > Bakalahari
hy(ae)na > hyaena
tse/tse > tsetse
Banajo/a > Banajoa
man(oe)uvre > manoeuvre
Bato-ka > Batoka
Loye/lo > Loyelo
Mamba/ri > Mambari
mopane/ > mopane
Balo=nda > Balonda
Sekele/nke > Sekelenke
Mane/nko > Manenko
Sheako/ndo > Sheakondo
Nyamoa/na > Nyamoana
Kolimbo/ta > Kolimbota
Samba/nza > Sambanza
N~uana Loke/ > Nyuana Loke
larv(ae) > larvae
de/tour > detour
cicad(ae) > cicadae
Korwe/ > Korwe
Moni/na > Monina
Bonya/i > Bonyai
Conge/ > Conge
Bua/ze > Buaze
Leche/ > Leche
Bakue/na > Bakuena
Shokua/ne > Shokuane
Lepelo/le > Lepelole
Litubaru/ba > Litubaruba
Baka/a > Bakaa
Bamangwa/to > Bamangwato
Makala/ka > Makalaka
Letlo/che > Letloche
n~ami > nyami
n~aka > nyaka
Matebe/le > Matebele
Seko/mi > Sekomi
Baka/tla > Bakatla
Meba/lwe > Mebalwe
Batla/pi > Batlapi
Bata/u > Batau
Bano/ga > Banoga
Mokwa/in > Mokwain
Leko/a > Lekoa
Mako/a > Makoa
Mochoase/le > Mochoasele
Limpo/po > Limpopo
Bangwake/tse > Bangwaketse
Sebitua/ne > Sebituane
Makolo/lo > Makololo
Kalaha/ri > Kalahari
mimos(ae) > mimosae
vertebr(ae) > vertebrae
thoae/la > thoaela
tsesse/be > tsessebe
Mosilika/tze > Mosilikatze
Batlo/kua > Batlokua
Bahu/keng > Bahukeng
Bamose/tla > Bamosetla
Manta/tees > Mantatees
Ka-ke > Kake
Matlame/tlo > Matlametlo
(Ae)sop > Aesop
cucurbitace(ae) > cucurbitaceae
Leroshu/a > Leroshua
Ke-me > Keme
simi(ae) > simiae
du"iker > duiker
Mona/to > Monato
Boatlana/ma > Boatlanama
Lope/pe > Lopepe
Mashu"e > Mashue
Lobota/ni > Lobotani
leguminos(ae) > leguminosae
Ramoto/bi > Ramotobi
Mohotlua/ni > Mohotluani
"Kia itume/la" > "Kia itumela"
"Kia time/la" > "Kia timela"
"Ki time/tse" > "Ki timetse"
Moko/ko > Mokoko
Mathulua/ni > Mathuluani
Mokokonya/ni > Mokokonyani
Lotlaka/ni > Lotlakani
Ngabisa/ne > Ngabisane
Bako/ba > Bakoba
Tzo- > Tzo
Bataua/na > Batauana
Lechulate/be > Lechulatebe
More/mi > Moremi
moheto/lo > mohetolo
kuabao-ba > kuabaoba
tumo-go > tumogo
ife/ > ife
Bakuru/tse > Bakurutse
Ntwe/twe > Ntwetwe
Matlomagan-ya/na > Matlomagan-yana
Sichua/na > Sichuana
Maha/be > Mahabe
aroid(oe)a > aroidoea
Maja/ne > Majane
Moro/a > Moroa
Baro/tse > Barotse
Nalie/le > Naliele
Seshe/ke > Sesheke
e- e- e- > ee ee ee
(ae) (ae) (ae) > ae ae ae
Maha/le > Mahale
Namaga/ri > Namagari
Basu/tu > Basutu
Sikonye/le > Sikonyele
Maka/be > Makabe
Damara/s > Damaras
Bashubi/a > Bashubia
C(ae)sar > Caesar
Kafu/e > Kafue
Tlapa/ne > Tlapane
Ramosi/nii/ > Ramosinii
Baloia/na > Baloiana
Bihe/ > Bihe
tse/pe > tsepe
acme/ > acme
lamell(ae) > lamellae
ngotuane/ > ngotuane
diarrh(oe)a > diarrhoea
natur(ae) > naturae
herni(ae) > herniae
Serina/ne > Serinane
Lesho/nya > Leshonya
ka/ma > kama
ta-ri > tari
formul(ae) > formulae
prote/ge/es > protegees
prim(ae)val > primaeval
lamin(ae) > laminae
lopane/ > lopane
Kandeha/i > Kandehai
Mamochisa/ne > Mamochisane
Mpe/pe > Mpepe
Nokua/ne > Nokuane
"Nsepi/sa" > "Nsepisa"
Banye/ti > Banyeti
boya/loa > boyaloa
o-a/lo > o-alo
bu/za > buza
minuti(ae) > minutiae
Moti/be > Motibe
hypog(oe)a > hypogoea
Bapa/lleng > Bapalleng
Cho- > Cho
Tso- > Tso
"Ho-o-!" > "Ho-o!"
Mako-a > Makoa
Seko-a > Sekoa
Makolo/kue > Makolokue
Bape-ri > Baperi
Bapo- > Bapo
Narie/le > Nariele
giraff(ae) > giraffae
lechwe/s > lechwes
Luambe/ji > Luambeji
Luambe/si > Luambesi
Ambe/zi > Ambezi
Ojimbe/si > Ojimbesi
Zambe/si > Zambesi
Tianya/ne > Tianyane
Lebeo/le > Lebeole
Sisinya/ne > Sisinyane
Molo=iana > Moloiana
"tau e to=na" > "tau e tona"
"Sau e to=na" > "Sau e tona"
Lo=nda > Londa
Ambo=nda > Ambonda
n~ake > nyake
"Kua-!" > "Kua!"
moshe/ba > mosheba
Name/ta > Nameta
Masi/ko > Masiko
Pitsa/ne > Pitsane
Sekobinya/ne > Sekobinyane
Mashaua/na > Mashauana
mogame/tsa > mogametsa
mamo/sho > mamosho
moshomo/sho > moshomosho
Babi/mpe > Babimpe
Mosa/ntu > Mosantu
Mosioatu/nya > Mosioatunya
Sima/h > Simah
Bo=nda > Bonda
Lonko/nye > Lonkonye
leko/to > lekoto
Shinte/ > Shinte
Kabo/mpo > Kabompo
Samoa/na > Samoana
Baloba/le > Balobale
hakite/nwe > hakitenwe
polu/ma > poluma
Matia/mvo > Matiamvo
Monaka/dzi > Monakadzi
Inteme/se > Intemese
Saloi/sho > Saloisho
Scottice\ > Scottice
Mokwa/nkwa > Mokwankwa
"Moka/la a Ma/ma" > "Mokala a Mama"
n~uana Kalueje > nyuana Kalueje
typhoi"deum > typhoideum
loke/sh > lokesh
Soa/na Molo/po > Soana Molopo
Mozi/nkwa > Mozinkwa
Livo/a > Livoa
Chifuma/dze > Chifumadze
Shakatwa/la > Shakatwala
Quende/nde > Quendende
Muata ya/nvo > Muata yanvo
mua/ta > muata
Kange/nke > Kangenke
Moe/ne > Moene
Lo=lo= > Lolo
Lishi/sh > Lishish
Li/ss > Liss
Kalile/me > Kalileme
Ishidi/sh > Ishidish
Molo/ng > Molong
sela/li > selali
Mone/nga > Monenga
Moso/go > Mosogo
Monenga-wo-o- > Monenga-wo-o
Kasimaka/te > Kasimakate
ilo/lo > ilolo
Kate/nde > Katende
Loke/ > Loke
Kalo/mba > Kalomba
Tote/lo > Totelo
Averie/ > Averie
Loze/ze > Lozeze
Kasa/bi > Kasabi
Kalu/ze > Kaluze
Chihune/ > Chihune
Chiho/mbo > Chihombo
Banga/la > Bangala
Chika/pa > Chikapa
Loya/nke > Loyanke
Sakanda/la > Sakandala
Bashinje/ > Bashinje
Babinde/le > Babindele
Kamboe/la > Kamboela
Caba/ngo > Cabango
Qua/ngo > Quango
Sansa/we/ > Sansawe
cyclop(ae)dia > cyclopaedia
Kassanje/ > Kassanje
Catende/ > Catende
via^ > via
Laurence Jose/ Marquis > Laurence Jose Marquis
El(ae)is > Elaeis
Salvador Correa de Sa/ Benevides > Salvador Correa de Sa Benevides
Algoda~o Americana > Algodao Americana
Cercopid(ae) > Cercopidae
graminace(ae) > graminaceae
Pedro Joa~o Baptista > Pedro Joao Baptista
Antonio Jose/ > Antonio Jose
Senhor Grac,a > Senhor Graca
al(ae) > alae
Kama/ue > Kamaue
Sylviad(ae) > Sylviadae
Muanza/nza > Muanzanza
Zaire/ > Zaire
Zere/zere/ > Zerezere
alg(ae) > algae
Tanganye/nka > Tanganyenka
ae"rial > aerial
arac,a > araca
Limbo-a > Limboa
Lofuje/ > Lofuje
Boie/ > Boie
hygie\ne > hygiene
Sekwe/bu > Sekwebu
Ntlarie/ > Ntlarie
Nkwatle/le > Nkwatlele
Moriantsa/ne > Moriantsane
Nampe/ne > Nampene
Leko/ne > Lekone
Seko/te > Sekote
Kala/i > Kalai
"motse/ oa barimo" > "motse oa barimo"
Loye/la > Loyela
Mokwine/ > Mokwine
mane/ko > maneko
motsintse/la > motsintsela
pup(ae) > pupae
Pelop(ae)us > Pelopaeus
Mburu/ma > Mburuma
Nyungwe/ > Nyungwe
Sindese Oale/a > Sindese Oalea
ae"rolites > aerolites
Chowe/ > Chowe
Banya/i > Banyai
Moho/hu > Mohohu
Cho/be > Chobe
Boro/ma > Boroma
Nyampu/ngo > Nyampungo
Katolo/sa > Katolosa
Monomota/pa > Monomotapa
Su/sa > Susa
Nyate/we > Nyatewe
More/na > Morena
Monomoi/zes > Monomoizes
Monemui/ges > Monemuiges
Monomui/zes > Monomuizes
Monomota/pistas > Monomotapistas
Mota/pe > Motape
Babi/sa > Babisa
Bazizu/lu > Bazizulu
Masho/na > Mashona
Moruru/rus > Morururus
Boro/mo > Boromo
Nyako/ba > Nyakoba
moku/ri > mokuri
shekabaka/dzi > shekabakadzi
Loko/le > Lokole
Mazo/e > Mazoe
Te/te > Tete
Te/tte > Tette
hom(oe)opathic > homoeopathic
chrysomelid(ae) > chrysomelidae
Lofu/bu > Lofubu
Revu/bu > Revubu
Morongo/zi > Morongozi
Nyamboro/nda > Nyamboronda
brac,a > braca
Mashi/nga > Mashinga
Shindu/ndo > Shindundo
Missa/la > Missala
Kapa/ta > Kapata
Ma/no > Mano
Ja/wa > Jawa
Panya/me > Panyame
Dambara/ri > Dambarari
Abu/tua > Abutua
Mani/ca > Manica
hypog(ae)a > hypogaea
Kansa/la > Kansala
Luapu/ra > Luapura
Luame/ji > Luameji
Muro/mbo > Murombo
shitakote/ko > shitakoteko
Mpa/mbe > Mpambe
Nya/mpi > Nyampi
Za/mbi > Zambi
e/clat > eclat
pharmacop(oe)ia > pharmacopoeia
Goo- > Go-o
amenorrh(oe)a > amenorrhoea
Inya/kanya/nya > Inyakanyanya
Morumba/la > Morumbala
Nyamo/nga > Nyamonga
Gorongo/zo > Gorongozo
Sofa/la > Sofala
Sabi/a > Sabia
Senhor Ferra~o > Senhor Ferrao
Nje/fu > Njefu
Maza/ro > Mazaro
Baro/ro > Baroro
Lu/abo > Luabo
Muse/lo > Muselo
Nyangu/e > Nyangue
Sen~or > Senor
Aseve/do > Asevedo
Mu/tu > Mutu
Panga/zi > Pangazi
Lua/re > Luare
Likua/re > Likuare
Maiu"do > Maiudo

End of this Project Gutenberg Etext of Travels and Researches in South Africa

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This work (David Livingstone, Missionary Travels) is out of copyright, but see the Project Gutenberg legal notice.